Undercover Hacker Read online

Page 6

  She bit down on her lip and ran her hand down her body. Then she slowly worked her tight jeans over her hips. I couldn’t help but drink in her beauty. When she climbed off the bed, kneeled next to me, and took off her shirt, her beauty took my breath away.


  Sophie grasped at my belt, unclasped it, then pulled it loose. She didn’t work the belt out of the loops. She needed me as much as I needed her and didn’t want to wait any longer.

  My pants hung low, and she ran her hand over the zipper, testing how hard I was. She worked her fingers into the waistband of my pants and tugged them down to my knees.

  Once Sophie had my dick in her hands, she wrapped her pouty ruby lips around me. My vision went black for a second from the pure pleasure Sophie was inflicting with her mouth. I reached for the bedpost to keep my balance. A slight moan escaped her, sending vibrations through her throat.

  “Sophie, look at me”

  Sophie’s green eyes opened. They were filled with arousal and lust. I gathered her hair in my hand, controlling her pace. My cock pulsed impatiently, needing release. When Sophie took my cock down her throat, I couldn’t hold back much longer. I bit down on the inside of my mouth, trying to hold on. When Sophie cupped my balls, a gasp escaped my lips.

  “Oh fuck, Sophie, I don’t know how much longer I can hang on.”

  At my words, she picked up her pace, digging her nails into my butt, pulling me closer. Her velvety mouth was too much. I pulled out of it to gain control.

  Sophie pulled me back into her mouth. She took me deep into her throat, causing her tonsils to massage the front of my cock. The sensation was too much, and I couldn’t hold on any longer. I came, and Sophie worked to milk every last drop out of me.

  I held on to the bedpost to keep from falling over. My legs were weak from the intense orgasm. When I had control over my body, I grabbed Sophie under the armpits and tossed her onto the bed. She was stunning.

  “I can’t wait to taste every inch of your body.”

  Sophie slowly dragged her hands down her naked body, stopping to play with her nipples. At the sight of her touching herself, my dick started to stir. Kicking my pants to the side, I crawled up the bed, kissing my way up her leg. When I teased her with a kiss on her inner thigh, Sophie let out a moan of protest. She tried to move to hurry me toward the place she wanted touched, but I continued to kiss and lick her inner thigh.

  I worked my way to her clit, wrapped my lips around her nub, and started to suck. Sophie’s heels dug into the bed, lifting her body up, trying to get more friction. Her soft gasp told me she was close. When I released her nub from my lips, she protested.

  “I was so close. Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t want you to come yet.”

  I ignored the curse words that came from Sophie’s mouth and slowly licked her slit. When I pressed two fingers into her velvety folds, she wrapped her legs around my head, trying to pull me in further and take control.

  “Faster. Please.” Her words came out in pants.

  Wanting to feel her come apart on my tongue, I latched on to her nub and sucked while pumping my fingers into her. I flicked my tongue a couple of times.

  “I’m coming. Fuck!” She exploded on my tongue.

  Wanting to feel her fall apart again, I continued to suck on her clit. I pinched her tight nipple and rubbed it between my fingers.”

  “I need you, Zane. Please…”

  The need in her voice had me licking my way up her body in a straight line to her nipple. When I bit down gently to add a little pain, Sophie arched her back, pressing into me, wanting more.

  I worked my way up to her lips and kissed her. She kissed me back with raw need. Her tongue swiped across my lips, looking for access. I opened them slightly, and she pressed herself to me.

  “Please, Zane.”

  I was so wrapped up in the passion that I almost forgot about protection. “Hang on.” I had to grab a condom.

  “No.” I could see the need in her eyes and body.

  “I need to grab a condom.”

  She shook her head and pulled me into her embrace. “Don’t need it. Are you clean? I want you without a condom.”

  I would need to take that information and store it for another day. The thought of being so close to Sophie made me harder than I thought possible.

  Needing to feel her skin against mine, I rolled over and flipped Sophie on top of me. I wanted to watch her ride me. She squeaked in surprise at the quick change of position.

  Sophie sat up and impaled herself on my hard length. I grasped her fingers in each hand, pulling her back down for a kiss. The desire to kiss and caress her curves was overwhelming.

  Something more intense was forming between us. It was strong.

  Sophie slowly rose and lowered herself on me, inching down until she was balls deep. It was pure bliss. She continued to rock back and forth. Emotions were flickering through her eyes. She shifted her hips down to get a slight friction on her clit.

  “Goddamn, Sophie, move!” Her slow motion was driving me crazy. I grabbed her hips and increased her pace. She flung her head back and let out a moan. I pulled her down so I could suck on her nipple. The second my mouth wrapped around her nipple, I could feel her velvety folds massaging my cock.

  Flipping Sophie over so I could take control, I flexed my hips, meeting heated flesh.

  “Please,” she begged. Her breathy moan almost caused me to come. “I need you.”

  With every thrust, a moan escaped her plump lips.

  She pulled her knees up and wrapped her ankles around my back. It was the only sign I needed to drive her over the edge for a second time. She met each thrust halfway and tightened herself around my cock. Her breaths were erratic, mirroring the one-two punch in my own lungs.

  Sophie screamed out my name as she went over the edge, loud and guttural. Her muscles pulsed, and she used me to drag out her climax. God, it felt like a silky explosion. I couldn’t wait to do this again.

  Her eyes flew open, full of emotion. Her red hair was spread across the pillow. I trapped each of her wrists above her head. Leaning down, I took a rosy pink tip of one breast into my mouth.

  She rocked her hips, trying to push me deeper. Her moans were increasing, letting me know another climax was looming. I pushed her toward the pleasure, needing to see her come apart in my arms.


  Her voice came out raspy. With each thrust, her body bucked against me. She was close to crying out all over again. Every muscle tightened, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Our energy poured into each other with our loud cries.

  Muscles finally going lax, the only thing on my mind was the woman under me.

  Sophie groaned at the loss as I slid off her body, so I pulled her into my side.

  What was happening between us was game-changing. I couldn’t wait to explore it further. There was a good chance Sophie wasn’t going to make it easy. I wouldn’t have it any other way.



  The night before filtered through my head. Having Sophie under me was amazing. The thought of her climaxing to my touch had me hard. I reached over to the side of the bed to pull Sophie into me and noticed the bed was empty. I felt the sheets, and they were cold. She had left hours ago.

  I reached for the pair of gray sweatpants lying on the floor and went to figure out where my redheaded angel had escaped to. She had another thing coming if she thought she could avoid me this easily.

  The guest room door was closed. I opened the door, ready to give Sophie a piece of my mind for leaving the bed in the middle of the night. The sight I saw took my breath away. Sophie was sound asleep, with her red hair spread across the pillow. It looked so inviting. Just when I had decided to climb into bed with her, my phone rang.

  I swore I would kill the person on the other side of that phone. It was too fucking early to be calling and bothering me. Leaving Sophie to sleep after the day we had yesterday, I walked out into t
he hall and closed the door.

  “What?” Whoever was calling needed to get to the point.

  “Is that any way to talk to your boss?” How did the director get my burner number? Sophie and I needed to leave the safe house. Our location was compromised.

  “I told you I would take the case. When we find anything out, I will send you the intel.” Like hell. I wouldn’t send him anything. I thought he was up to his nose in bad dealings, and if it was the last thing I did, I would bring this man to his knees.

  I overheard a shuffling on the other end of the line. “I need you to take Yermushin out. Bring Sophie back, and I will take care of her. I don’t think she will be much help to you in the field. I will send another agent out to help you.”

  “Nope. I’m good.”

  “That wasn’t a suggestion. I want Sophie back here today, or I will have your ass.”

  I walked back into the guest room and shook Sophie. When her dark green eyes landed on me, it was enough to take my breath away. I motioned that it was time to go. She seemed to understand and kick into high gear.

  “I will report back when I have something.” Not waiting to hear his reply, I clicked the phone off and stomped on it.

  My go-bag was sitting on the bench next to the front door. I was ready to go. Sophie rounded the corner wearing a pair of my sweats and a T-shirt. I wanted to peel them off her body and head back to the bedroom. But, we needed to leave before any agents showed up. There was something we were missing in Sophie’s tie to Sanchez.

  “What’s going on?” There was a slight shake to Sophie’s voice.

  “The director called. We need to get out of here in case he’s figured out our location.”

  Sophie seemed to understand the urgency and followed me out to the garage. The garage was lined with high-end sports cars. I hadn't made it out here since we arrived at the cabin. The garage was three times the size of the house.

  “Are these all yours?”

  I’ve grown up with money. Sometimes it was hard to see what others see. I only saw a bunch of cars that went fast.

  “Yes,” I said tersely, not wanting to talk about my family’s money. I unlocked a luxury SUV. Sophie headed toward it. There was a very slim chance someone had made it into the garage. I didn't want to take any chances, so I pulled out a mirror to check under the cars for trackers or bombs. Once Sophie was inside the SUV, I did a quick check. The car was clean.

  A few miles down the road, I pulled out a new burner phone and called Antonio. It rang once before his gruff voice came through the phone.

  “Do you know how fucking early it is?” Antonio sounded as excited as I was when I got the call from the director bright and early. I glanced at the dashboard clock. It was 6:35 AM. It was fucking early.

  I clicked the phone over to speaker, so I could concentrate on the road. “Sorry to wake you, Sleeping Beauty. Sophie and I left the safe house.”

  “What happened?” It seemed that once Antonio realized we had an issue, he perked up and forgot how god-awful early it was.

  Sophie shifted in the seat next to me. She had been quiet since we got the call from the director.

  “Sanchez called me this morning. He wants me to bring Sophie in and take on a partner for the rest of the op.”

  Antonio grunted on the other end of the line. “Do not take her in. Hold on a second.”

  I had no plans to take Sophie in. I would help her find her sister and then tackle the chemistry between us. After a couple minutes, Antonio clicked back over.

  “Do you know how early it is?” Brock grumbled through the phone.

  “What did you find out last night? Sophie and I need to find a new location to lie low.” Brock and Antonio’s complaining was rubbing my nerves.

  “Yermushin will be at the charity fundraiser tomorrow night in New York. Kat will be there with him.”

  “Can you get Sophie and me on the guest list?” It wouldn’t be hard to get on the list. I could always pull the Zack card.

  Brock complained about people underestimating him. “We were planning on calling you around nine to tell you the plan. You and Sophie head to Charlottesville airstrip. A plane will be waiting for you. Antonio and John, one of operatives that works for Blackwood Security, will meet you at White Manor Hotel and Spa in downtown New York. Once everyone is at the hotel, we will reconvene.”

  I needed Brock to do more digging. Things were not adding up. “Brock, I need you to look deeper into Sanchez and his connection to Sophie. I think he knew her before her parents died.”


  The thought I might be in the same room as my sister brought butterflies to my stomach. For the past twenty years, I’ve been looking for her, and now I was days away from seeing her. The problem I was having was that my thoughts kept going back to last night.

  It was one of the most mind-blowing nights I’ve ever had, and it could not happen again. The previous night was nothing more than a one-night stand. I had no future with any man. That was taken from me years ago. What happened with Zane couldn’t happen again.

  When I glanced in Zane’s direction, I noticed that he kept looking in the review mirror. A black sedan had been a couple car lengths behind us for the past twenty miles.

  “Why do you keep looking back?” I wish there was a Spy Book for Dummies. Even CliffsNotes would be helpful.

  Zane pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. “I need you to reach into the glove box and pull out a gun.”

  When I opened the glove box, I was shocked by its contents. It had everything an assassin would need. “Umm… which one do you want?”

  “Hand me a Glock. Also, grab a grenade. We might need it.”

  Who the hell keeps grenades in their glove box? I reached in and grabbed what I assumed was a Glock. It was black, and it looked similar to the one he had been carrying on his side for the past three days. I opened the clamp holding the grenade and pulled it out. Zane reached over and grabbed the weapon from my hand.

  “You ready to tell me what is going on?”

  Zane glanced in the review mirror. “The car behind us has been following us for the past twenty miles.”

  How do we know someone is following us for sure? “Maybe they are heading the same way we are. Ever think of that?”

  “I’ve made three turns, causing us to completely change directions. There would be no reason for them to do the same.”

  “How about we outrun them or lose them?” That seems like something a CIA agent would do. Don’t they teach that in spy 101?

  Zane gave me a cocky smile. “We will stop and chat and see what they want. You will stay in the car, and if it turns bad, you will take off.”

  This fieldwork shit was getting old. I wanted to sit behind the computer and delete these men's identities, not go into a shootout. “Can you explain the plan?”

  Zane veered off the side of the road. The car following us almost didn’t see where we went, but they made a U-turn and came back at us. “I will talk to them. You stay here.”

  The black sedan came to a stop a few feet from us. Two men in black suits stepped out of the car. They were definitely CIA agents. Zane checked the magazine of his gun before he exited the vehicle.

  I could hear murmurs from them talking. It sounded like they wanted to bring me in. When Zane responded, the agents looked upset with his reply. One of the agents reached for his side arm. Zane raised his gun, and squeezed the trigger. Two gunshots echoed through the air, both men dropped to the ground. Zane aimed at the car firing off two more shots taking out the front tires of the car.

  Zane jumped back into the SUV, and we were on our way. He peeled out, leaving two agents and a car behind. I think it took a couple miles for me to get my voice to speak.

  “You left two dead people back there.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

  Zane gave me a puzzled look and tapped his fingers on the leather steering wheel. “I didn’t kill them. I merely made it harder for them t
o follow. They will both make a full recovery. It’s their fault for thinking they could take me on. Both agents knew who I was and what I would do to keep you safe.”

  That made me feel a little easier, knowing we didn’t leave two dead bodies on the side of the road. It also made me feel better that Zane was still trying to protect me and get me back to my sister. He had no reason to defend me. His mission from his brother was to figure out what Director Sanchez was doing.

  “Okay, how long before we make it to the airstrip?”

  “It will be a little longer than I planned, since the car behind us has a grenade launcher pointed in our direction.”



  “How can you be so fucking calm? They have a grenade launcher pointed at us!”

  A large hand reached across the SUV and pulled my head down so that my face was in Zane’s crotch.

  A loud pop sounded behind us, followed by earth-shattering explosion fifty feet to the side of the car. The SUV swayed from the force of the blast. Zane quickly righted the SUV, all while pressing his foot down to get some distance.

  I sat up. “Zane, this is not the moment to request a blowjob. They shot a fucking grenade at us.” In the rearview mirror, I could see a billowing orange cloud from where the grenade had landed. The sedan was still behind us, keeping up with our SUV.

  “A blowjob might reduce some of my tension. They won’t kill us. For some reason, the director wants you alive. We need to figure out what he wants with you.” Zane made a quick turn to the right, causing the tires to screech across the asphalt, and the smell of burning rubber wafted into the SUV.

  Once we made it around the corner, Zane pulled his Glock from his holster and rolled down the windows to fire bullets at the car behind us. They dodged the shots and pointed guns back at us.

  “How are they tracking us?” My words came out as a whisper.

  “Not sure. I assume they used the NSA satellites and tracked our facial images,” he snapped, and she realized how stupid the question must have sounded. She used some of the equipment the CIA had when Sanchez asked her to do jobs. They weren’t safe anywhere. Ninety-eight percent of your life is caught on video, according to Jessica.